2007年9月1日 星期六
Yuwie - 一個嶄新的全球交友網絡
一個嶄新的全球交友網絡 - Yuwie
大家知道 myspace, facebook 這些火熱的網上交友網絡吧!很高興的告訴大家,一個嶄新的,全球性的網上社交網絡 YUWIE 已正式面世了!大家快來跟來自世界各地的朋友 say HELLO 吧!!
Yuwie 是甚麼?
Yuwie 是繼 Myspace, Facebook 後另一火熱的網上社交網絡,參加 Yuwie 是完全免費的! Yuwie 具備其他社交網絡的功能,例如搜尋朋友,博客,相片儲傳,訊息傳遞,應有盡有!
但有一重要分別是不能忽略的! 就是參加 Yuwie,你會得到 Yuwie 的現金獎勵!(這些現金獎勵其實是源於廣告收益) 你推薦的朋友愈多,所賺到的更多!快來推薦你的朋友們加入這個大家庭吧!
Yuwie 於 07年 7月開站,短短一個月,已有四萬會員加入,發展空間十分之大,希望享受一邊 blogging , 交友,一邊賺錢的感受,快來看看吧!
由於 Yuwie 是新站的關係,跟 Agloco 一樣,payout 尚未開始,現階段是發展網絡階段,雖然如此,大家仍然可以享受 blogging, social networking 既樂趣!
註冊登入 Yuwie 後,就會進入 控制台,控制台的介面十分易明,所有設定工具都放在 介面的左方!
由左至右分別是 戶口設定,留言箱,朋友,推薦人狀況,下一行就是 賬戶月結(earnings),圖片,博客等等,會員就是利用這些工具去佈置你的 profile!點擊你自己的相片就會去到你的 profile 了!
賺錢方法,其實是計算你每月的 paid page views,即你的 profile/picture/movies 等等有多少點擊率,用PPV 為準則主要是鼓勵會員活躍一點,多些與其他會員作互動!
(以下英文解說,可用,worldlingo 線上語言翻譯)
How do I know how many paid page views I'm getting?
In your control panel there are some stats next to your picture. The paid page views are listed under Month Page Views. These are the ones that count.
You: is how many times your pages (profiles, pictures, movies, etc) have been viewed PLUS how many personal page views you have accumulated in your control panel area.
Referral Views: is how many paid page views your referrals have racked up.
These numbers are just so you have a rough estimate of how much activity your referral tree is doing. At the end of each month a full report is generated that shows you how many page views were accumulated on each level for the month.
How much can I make?
We can't say exactly, but here's an example of what could happen. The chart below assumes you refer 3 people, and those 3 people refer 3, then those refer 3, through 10 levels, and each referral gets 1000 page views for the month, and the month's RSR is $0.50.
Yuwie 支援 paypal and cheque.
see below chart for earning estimate/projection:-
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